Friday, July 29, 2011

Micro SIM Card Adapter for Apple iPad and iPhone 4

Micro SIM Card Adapter for Apple iPad and iPhone 4
1. Black and white available
2. Trim guide sticker included
Micro SIM Card Adapter for Apple iPad and iPhone 4
Color: Black and white available
2. Insert MicroSIM card into the adapter
3. Converts MicroSIM to full sized SIM and can work in any phone, laptop or device that has a SIM card slot
4. Trim regular sized SIM card to the size of Microsim card and use it in iPad or iPhone 4G. (Trim guide sticker included)

1.SIM to Microsim:
1) Paste the label with dotted line on the back of SIM card
2) Cut the SIM card along the dotted line to get a Micro SIM card
3) This micro SIM card can be used in iPad and iPhone 4G
2. Restore the Microsim to SIM:
Paste the rest label on the adapter
Insert the Microsim card into the adapter
Poly bag
CTN size:20*20*15cm

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